Robotics in Your Homeschool

Robotics in Your Homeschool

Hey, homeschoolers! Have you considered learning robotics in your homeschool? I don’t have an engineering brain so I enrolled my kids in in-person and online classes. My youngest is now majoring in computer science in college. His classes had a major impact on his career direction. Today on the podcast, you’ll hear about the advantages of including robotics and programming in your homeschool from my guest, Francie Black.  I met...

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Teaching Social Skills in Your Homeschool

Hey, homeschoolers, we know we aren't weird and unsocialized as a popular blog implies, but you might wonder if we are weirder than kids in public school. I was relieved when my oldest son, after having been in a public high school for a few weeks, told me that he thought that the public school kids were just as weird as homeschoolers. We know that our kids can benefit from having good social skills. Here's why we should teach social...

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How to Help Your Child Manage Emotions

How to Help Your Child Manage Emotions

Hey, homeschoolers! How to help an anxious, frustrated, or bored child is the most common question I get. In this episode, I'll share a three-step approach you can use to help your child manage any negative emotion. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Summary In this episode, Melanie Wilson addresses the common concern of homeschooling parents regarding their child's ability to manage emotions. She emphasizes that emotional...

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What Will You Teach Your Kids About Human Evolution?

Hey, homeschoolers! I had the opportunity to talk with my good friend, Dr. Carl Werner, for this episode. He is an expert in evolution who has devoted decades of his life to examining the evidence for evolution. His most recent book is about human evolution. The evidence he has amassed is stunning. Now more than ever I believe we have to share his work with our kids. Here's my chat with Carl. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube...

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Wisdom for Raising Boys

Wisdom for Raising Boys

Hey, homeschoolers! I never thought I would have five boys, but I am so glad I do. I love them to the moon and back and judging by the response my episode on homeschooling boys got, so do you. That's why I was excited to read Durenda Wilson's new book on the topic and to hear her thoughts on why it's so important to think about how we are raising our boys. In Raising Boys to Men: A Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Raising and...

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