Teaching Social Skills in Your Homeschool

Hey, homeschoolers, we know we aren't weird and unsocialized as a popular blog implies, but you might wonder if we are weirder than kids in public school. I was relieved when my oldest son, after having been in a public high school for a few weeks, told me that he thought that the public school kids were just as weird as homeschoolers. We know that our kids can benefit from having good social skills. Here's why we should teach social...

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What Will You Teach Your Kids About Human Evolution?

Hey, homeschoolers! I had the opportunity to talk with my good friend, Dr. Carl Werner, for this episode. He is an expert in evolution who has devoted decades of his life to examining the evidence for evolution. His most recent book is about human evolution. The evidence he has amassed is stunning. Now more than ever I believe we have to share his work with our kids. Here's my chat with Carl. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube...

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Helping Our Daughters Develop Style Confidence

Hey, homeschoolers! Many of you know that fashion is a hobby of mine. I've stopped and started a fashion Instagram account numerous times. In the past year I've been listening to the Everyday Style School podcast with Jennifer Mackey-Mary and loving it. She talked about how she deals with the topic of fashion with her daughters and I thought you would love to hear more. If you don't have daughters but would like to improve your own...

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Why Charlotte Mason Would Love Grammar Galaxy Language Arts Curriculum

Why Charlotte Mason Would Love Grammar Galaxy Language Arts Curriculum

Do you love Charlotte Mason’s approach to education? This is the Homeschool Sanity Show, the episode where I explain why I think Charlotte Mason would approve of my unique approach to teaching language arts and why you might want to consider adding it to your studies this year. Listen to the podcast If you love a Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling, I’m not surprised. Charlotte thought education should be a lifestyle that should...

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Redeeming Your Time: How to Make the Most of Every Moment as a Homeschool Mom

Hey, homeschoolers! I’m a time management/productivity enthusiast, which you know if you have my book, A Year of Living Productively. That book is the result of my experiments with more than 80 different productivity approaches. I did the reading and the experimenting to make the process of creating your own productivity formula faster. What I’ve discovered about has enabled me to write, speak, run a business, homeschool, maintain...

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How to Make Your Homeschool a Heck-Yes!

Hey, homeschoolers! You may know that I am a big fan of fashion. Ever since being introduced to Get Your Pretty On with Alison Lumbatis, I love putting pieces from my closet, thrift shops, and other stores together to create a capsule wardrobe. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I encourage you to listen to the interview I did with Alison. Listen to the podcast Get Your pretty On has not only changed the way I dress, but it...

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